NPCA Blog: NPCA Advocacy
NPCA Asks White House Office for Further Discussion on Buy America Provisions
NPCA today sent the following letter to Livia Shmavonian, director of the Made in America Office within the White House […]
NPCA and PCI Promote Precast Concrete In Meetings With Members of Congress
NPCA President and CEO Fred Grubbe and PCI President and CEO Bob Risser recently returned from Washington, D.C., after meeting […]
NPCA Cosigns Letter On Apprenticeships
NPCA this week cosigned a letter to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships to express concerns about […]
NPCA Comments on FHWA’s Buy America Review
NPCA, in conjunction with PCI, recently submitted comments to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in review of the general applicability […]
NPCA Co-signs Letter Endorsing FEMA Assistance Change
NPCA and 25 other organizations recently expressed support for a proposed Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA) change that […]
NPCA Responds to Proposed Buy America Rule
NPCA last week filed a joint letter alongside PCI in opposition to extending Buy America provisions to include materials that […]
NPCA Co-signs Letter Encouraging End to Federal Project Labor Agreements
NPCA joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 20 other construction and business associations in support of the Fair and […]
Grubbe Joins Other Concrete Industry Experts in 2023 Outlook
NPCA President and CEO Fred Grubbe recently was featured in an Engineering News-Record article examining the concrete market for 2023. […]
NPCA Members Can Urge Congress and President Biden to Take Action to Avoid Railroad Strike
Labor agreement negotiations between the railroad companies and their workers appear to be breaking down again. Four of the 12 […]
NPCA Opposes Scott-Golden Amendment
The National Precast Concrete Association last week sent a letter to U.S. Rep. Rob Whittman (R-Va.) opposing the Scott-Golden Amendment […]
NPCA Opposes Suspension of the Gas Tax
On Wednesday, President Biden called on Congress to suspend both the federal gasoline and diesel taxes for three months. While […]
NPCA Represents Industry During Capitol Hill Discussions
NPCA is in Washington, D.C., this week, meeting with lawmakers and their staffs to discuss a range of topics important […]