Author: Claude Goguen, P.E.
Gravity Grease Interceptor Design
When we talk about fog, it’s typically the clouds near the earth’s surface that often serve as the backdrop of […]
Taking Septic Tanks to the Next Level: Advanced Treatment
Editor’s Note: This is part two of a three-part series that is intended to educate wastewater structure manufacturers about the […]
Keeping Comfortable with Precast Concrete
Night and day, precast concrete panels help regulate building temperatures thanks to thermal mass and resistance. In an era when […]
Watertightness of Precast Concrete
If someone asked you to name the greatest duos of all time, you might say Penn and Teller, Simon and […]
Concrete Bleeding
Talk to people who are not in the precast industry about bleeding concrete, and it may evoke visions from a […]
Portland-Limestone Cement
When bricklayer Joseph Aspdin burned powdered limestone and clay in his kitchen stove at his home in Leeds, England, during […]
Water-Reducing and Set-Controlling Admixtures
According to the American Concrete Institute (ACI), an admixture is defined as “a material other than water, aggregates, cementitious materials […]
Weighing In on High-Density Concrete
When designing a concrete mix, there is an entire smorgasbord from which to choose, depending on the application. Engineers usually […]
Air Entrainment versus Air Entrapment
All air voids in concrete are not created equal. Find out the difference between beneficial air entrainment and accidental, or […]
5 Rules of Watertightness
Manufacturing specified watertightness in precast concrete products is straightforward if you play by the book Dutch legend has it that […]
Vacuum Testing Backfilled Manholes
Whenever you have something inspected, there’s a natural tendency to want the inspection to occur at the latest stage of the process in order to measure performance in its final position.
Understanding AASHTO
Compliance with standards – the basics of quality products.